Saturday, May 14, 2011

charlie chaplin hitler

charlie chaplin hitler. Charlie Chaplin made this film
  • Charlie Chaplin made this film

  • Geckotek
    Apr 4, 12:21 PM
    If guns didn't exist, things like this wouldn't be happening.

    Yeah, because crime and wars didn't exist before guns.

    Someone is extremely naive.

    charlie chaplin hitler. Mustache Charlie Chaplin
  • Mustache Charlie Chaplin

  • Popeye206
    Apr 22, 08:58 AM
    How about this:

    When you are born, you are given, in effect a serial number. which is yours as a human being for life.

    When you buy any digital media, this is linked to our number for life.

    This means for as long as you live, and whatever device you buy, you can access this media always.

    So I buy and iPad and I pay for the "RIGHTS" to watch/own a movie.

    I have paid my money and now that movie is mine to watch any time in the future on whatever device I buy in the future.

    Wow... I want what you're drinking! :p

    BTW... sort of what you described, minus the tattoo on your forehead, is called an iTunes account with a cloud service. :rolleyes:

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler.
  • charlie chaplin hitler.

  • sal
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Had this security guard done nothing and instead hide in a corner somewhere like most of you would, I could only imagine some of the comments you guys would post.

    security guards in general get so much heat from the general population. Armed guards are there to protect life and property. they don't respond like they should in these situations, they aren't doing their job. Most guards, don't do their job and this is why they get ridiculed. this guard does his job and you get people saying things like "security guards shouldn't carry guns, OMG"

    Rent-a-cops have guns? And shoot people IN THE HEAD? I'm amazed.

    pretty amazing huh? I use to do armed security. Sometimes when I do duty without a gun, I'd get all kinds of wise-ass side remarks about being a rent a cop. when I carried my gun, I got nothing but respect. the "rent-a-cop" remarks stopped. or maybe they just said it very low so I couldn't hear. Not sure why, I am not going to shoot anyone for an insult :D

    and yes, if my life or those I am working to protect are threatened by you, this "rent-a-cop" would shoot you in order to save my life or those around me. No questions asked.

    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life.
    when you take your permit to carry a gun, they make it a point NOT to get your permit if you are not emotionally capable of handling taking someone's life. You don't wear a gun for show, you wear it for protection. if you come from the mentality that you could never shoot someone, even if your own life or those around you in is in danger, then leave your gun at home and pick a different job.

    I'm sorry but those guys deserved it. Why should the mall guard have to wait until his life in in danger before putting someone else's life in danger?
    it's the law, otherwise you open up yourself to be thrown in jail or face a civil lawsuit. the judge has to see that without a reasonable doubt, your life was in danger and you did what was needed in order to protect it or protect the life of those around you.

    it's a judgement call you have to make and sometimes it's not an easy one to make because there are so many variables. Having an adrenaline rush and chaos all around you, makes it very easy to make mistakes. such as shooting a suspect as he is running away. missing shots and hitting bystanders. Pulling the trigger preemptively and killing someone without a "real" threat.

    the messed part is that armed security guards, don't get the same type of protection police get. Had this been a police shooting, I bet half of these responses would be different.

    charlie chaplin hitler. pam as charlie chaplin hitler.
  • pam as charlie chaplin hitler.

  • Christopher387A
    Apr 25, 02:11 PM
    I can't wait! :D

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin the great
  • charlie chaplin the great

  • ju5tin81
    Oct 27, 09:56 AM
    By getting press coverage, by being ejected, they have got what they wanted: To raise awareness of their cause.

    In addition, the british press just LOVE to bring down a sucessful person/product/brand... brace yourselves for a lot of anti-apple press, now everyone knows how un-green apple are.

    I was there today, and was offered a leaflet, and an organic apple, on leaving olympia tube station. They do have a valid point...

    It hurt when I saw my work arrange for a broken tangerine iMac to be taken to the tip, when Dell came personally to take their broken PC...

    I love apple, they could do more than simply offer to recycle their PACKAGING! Finish the job Apple. (We pay enough for the privelige)

    Edit: Apple can you also put a spell check into Safari please :)

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler mustache, Charlie+chaplin+hitler+mustache
  • charlie chaplin hitler mustache, Charlie+chaplin+hitler+mustache

  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 30, 11:47 AM
    Cunning linguist jokes, commence!

    charlie chaplin hitler. Charlie Chaplin attacks Hitler
  • Charlie Chaplin attacks Hitler

  • Philberttheduck
    Sep 4, 09:22 PM
    Rumors are rampant, but they do bring up a good point, as you do here. Who would want to watch a movie on an iPod? (Well, actually, I have and I do, but that's beside the point.)

    LOLLLLLLL Can we just say quote of the year right there? Honestly got me lol. Props to you.

    I hope to hell that Apple releases a media server (Tivo on steroids sounds right) with all the necessary inputs and outputs. Honestly, that would justify me getting my parents to get another mac in the household. :-)

    But if this new product turns out to be a streaming player, I wouldn't be happy. I'd be MUCH more happy if they released a 80+GB (preferably 120) for 450 bucks 4.5" WS. Streaming portable video player is kinda unnecessary because, like many of you have mentioned before, if you can watch it on your 20" LCD screen why settle for 3-4"? Only time I use streaming music on my PSP is taking a crap or shower. The PSP isn't really loud but I turn off my fan thing and it's more than adequate (I'm not expecting hi-def surround sound while I sing to my favorite GN'R song).

    Hell, throw in the idea of an iPhone. Very unlikely but if they release the movie store they better release that full screen iPod. I'm waiting Apple...

    iToilet has the VoiceOver option available to congratulate you when your crap falls in. Or there's some script that plays a clip/song when you successfully flush the toilet without it getting clogged. OK i'm done.

    charlie chaplin hitler. Adolf Hitler - so wie Charlie
  • Adolf Hitler - so wie Charlie

  • Fraaaa
    May 3, 01:37 PM
    I think there is an error on the iMac performance page.

    It shows:

    For i5

    Then for i7

    Shouldn't it show faster performance for the i7?:confused:

    I sent an email to someone who works on their website asking them to double check that.:D

    I thught was strange as well at first, but I believe that the comparison is between i5 1st gen vs 2nd gen and i7 1st gen vs 2nd gen.

    charlie chaplin hitler. quot;Either Charlie Chaplin or the
  • quot;Either Charlie Chaplin or the

  • rileyes
    Mar 29, 03:47 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Even if Google loses any patent lawsuit, the phone wont go off the market.

    charlie chaplin hitler. Who knew Charlie Chaplin was a
  • Who knew Charlie Chaplin was a

  • MacRumors
    Sep 13, 08:53 PM (

    Rumors of an Apple Phone have been ongoing for years ( with Apple laying claim to the domain ( since 1999 and the trademark for iPhone ( in 2002. Meanwhile, a number of Phone related patents ( have also surfaced showing that Apple has been researching this option.

    Recently, analysts have claimed ( that the Apple phone is essentially ready with a brief description:

    The design will be an iPod nano-like candy bar form factor and come in three colors

    Meanwhile, Steve Jobs has been said ( to be talking up the upcoming phone, despite being traditionally secretive about unannounced products.

    One reliable source has provided a more detailed description of one of the prototypes for the upcoming Apple Phone. The description has yielded this artist's rendition of the phone. The phone offers a familiar look to iPod owners, with the preservation of the iPod click-wheel.

    The click-wheel is closer to the bottom of the device with the screen taking a vertical orientation. The click-wheel portion of the device reportedly slides down to reveal a traditional numeric dial-pad underneath. The front is black, while the back is chrome like the current iPod.

    As an artist rendition, details such as the exact proportions of the screen are not necessarily accurate.

    The preservation of the click-wheel navigator could add credence to evidence ( that iTunes has the ability to transfer the new iPod games to certain mobile phones. Jobs had stated that the games had been designed for click-wheel playability. (
    click for larger image (

    [ digg this ] (

    charlie chaplin hitler. Charlie Chaplin portrays a
  • Charlie Chaplin portrays a

  • danielbriggs
    Aug 31, 05:12 PM
    The Palm OS as we currently know it (the one you will find on Palm OS-powered Treos, the Palm TX, etc.) is basically dead. PalmSource is doing no further development to it, and PalmSource was acquired by Access, which is creating the Access Linux Platform as a successor to the Palm OS (it will include Palm emulation to run Palm apps, etc.).

    It's not to say that it's compeltely worthless to have a Palm-based system. Plenty of people still do have Palm OS Treos and other Palm OS PDA's, and there's still plenty of people using it and developing software for it. I personally have a Treo 650 and it's still working great for me.

    Hopefully Palm will license the Access Linux Platform and use that so that the "Palm OS" stays alive, but so far Palm hasn't committed to it. It's entirely possible that Palm could end up just making Windows Mobile devices.

    If you want a platform that definitely has support behind it, you're basically stuck with a PocketPC. There's also Symbian and some other stuff, but PocketPC is definitely sort of repeating the "success" of Windows in the PDA world.


    Does this mean an Archos PMA-400 iPod style thingy. That was cool when it came out a year or so ago. 40GB PDA not bad!

    Dan :-)

    charlie chaplin hitler. CHARLIE CHAPLIN

  • eye
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    :mad:If MacRumors didn't have a rule stating no personal attacks, I'd ream you a new *******.

    And nothing could make me care as I remember the old saying "sticks and stones..." unlike our oversensitive posters. I am in no way in favor of irresponsible behavior or drunk driving, but making tasteless jokes is neither and harms nobody.

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler
  • charlie chaplin hitler

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 17, 03:20 PM
    Thanks GGJ.

    What about the security sensitive files in /Library? Such as /Library/InputManagers, /Library/Extensions, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/Security, and etc?

    I am pretty sure these only have system with write privileges. No?
    Sorry, I didn't see your edit:

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler.
  • charlie chaplin hitler.

  • Avicdar
    Sep 14, 01:15 AM
    I just do not think Apple is going to introduce a cellular phone. The ideas sound great around here, but I don't see any good busness model for such a device. What is Apple going to make money on selling such a product?

    With all of this noise about 'I wont buy it if it isn't a blackberry killer', etc its no wonder people are having trouble seeing the forest through all the trees.

    Apple = simplicity in form and function.

    The number ONE feature of this device is that it eliminates the need to carry both a phone AND an iPod. Thats it - simple. You have dropped the need to carry around an iPod and a phone without losing either.

    The click wheel is going to make finding people in your list and calling them a breeze.

    My only hope is that they throw away address book and give us something nicer to keep track of our contact lists. I hate address book, it really bites.

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler
  • charlie chaplin hitler

  • spillproof
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    These senators just made me download the apps "to see what all the fuss was about." :p

    charlie chaplin hitler. Charlie Chaplin who
  • Charlie Chaplin who

  • EricNau
    Sep 13, 09:16 PM
    I am not really crazy about this design. Having to slide the click-wheel down every time I need to use my phone doesn't sound like fun (plus, what would this thing look like open? ...what I'm picturing is ugly).

    I was hoping for an iPod Nano form factor with a numerical keypad... nice an simple.

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler
  • charlie chaplin hitler

  • NT1440
    Apr 19, 11:44 PM
    What does he say about the coming New World Order that Bush and Obama keep talking about, and also the coming North American Union + Amero?

    You know what.....nevermind.

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin hitler,
  • charlie chaplin hitler,

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 29, 03:23 AM
    Microsoft doesn't sell hardware. Apple does and mobile devices make up a large part of Apple's sales and revenue. They are a tiny blip on the radar percentage wise as far as pc's are concerned, no matter how you spin the numbers. 90% >4.6%. And yes, Apple makes a tremendous amount of money on the products they sell, far more than anyone else, and I realize that most of you take a tremendous amount of personal pride in the money Apple makes. And as a consumer, I find that absolutely bizarre. But that's just me.

    charlie chaplin hitler. charlie chaplin 10 Interesting
  • charlie chaplin 10 Interesting

  • cmaier
    Nov 14, 12:14 AM
    LOL. Please tell us which law firm you work for. That was quite funny. Are you a historian now too? Would the real cmaier please stand up?

    So the arbitration system comes from the roman law as well? Do tell.

    I'm not interested in what revisionist historians have come up with the justify this perversion of justice that you call "law". The roman empire fell a long time ago and while Roman law may have influenced much of our legal proceedings, including the structure of civil cases, I was talking about how civil disputes are generally dealt with. Lawyers arguing a case are supposed to be the last resort, not the first.

    This process is based on Judeo-christian principles on how you settle disputes over land or labour. It has nothing to do with criminal law.

    Here is how disputes were supposed to be dealt with.
    1. You go to the person in question and try to talk it out.
    2. If that does not work, you meet in front a mediator such as as priest, local official, magistrate or arbitrator.
    3. If that does not work, you hire an advocate and make your case in front of the community.
    4. If that does not work, you take your case before the court which would usually have been a king back in the day.

    Now you are just making things up. And are you even aware of the difference between law and equity, and the role of the chancellor in old English common law? There were no "arbitrators." What on earth are you even talking about?

    I hate to rely on wikipedia, but might be a good place for you to start. You'll note the section on the influence of Roman law. You'll also see quotes like this:

    "Well into the 19th century, ancient maxims played a large role in common law adjudication. Many of these maxims had originated in Roman Law, migrated to England before the introduction of Christianity to the British Isles, and were typically stated in Latin even in English decisions."

    You'll also note that "arbitrator" and "arbitration" doesn't appear anywhere in that article because these are not principles of English common law. The word "Christian" appears only in the above quote.

    And I'm not a historian, but lawyers are actually taught about the history of common law, since we rely on precedent dating all the way back, and we still have distinctions and rules that come from the 1400's.

    You are just making stuff up.

    p.s.: and where in the bible does this come from:

    To put in a modern context:
    1. Go for coffee.
    2. Arbitration.
    3. Public Hearing.
    4. Court case.

    cult hero
    May 3, 03:10 PM
    I haven't used the magic trackpad, but at least 50% of my time with my MBP is spent at a desk with an external keyboard, mouse and monitor.

    I like to use the trackpad on the laptop itself IN ADDITION to the mouse. For general pointing and moving about (and a bit of gaming) the mouse can't be beat. However, I like having gestures. It's the most natural way for me to use Expos� at this point.

    Apr 14, 03:07 PM
    in all seriousness people, this thing is going to scare people off...Hideous

    Apr 19, 11:17 PM
    Yeah Apple has never done that.

    Except for NeXT, Motion, Final Cut Pro, Color, Aperture, the list goes on...

    NeXT, you mean the computer company founded by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs?

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:39 AM
    Here in New Zealand the age for driving is 15, but they've upped it to 16 and are thinking of putting it up to 17 because of drivers like the OP.
    DL like the OP have caused rules to change in TX I know over the years. Right now when you turn 16 you can get a graduated DL that has quite a few extra restriction on it.
    Not really exactly sure what they as i was not directly effect but I think it was like you can not have more than 1 unrelated person under the age of 18/21 in your car. No cell phone use at all, no driving at night unless going 2 or from school function/work. It is an improvement but still sadly we need more due to crappy drivers who think they are all that like the OP.

    Nov 13, 03:54 PM
    Exactly. Losing the maker of the Facebook app and Rouge Amoeba in one day is really bad.
    But it's been more than one day. Joe Hewitt resigned Wednesday (