Monday, May 16, 2011

I’ve become one of those hipster kids | Rainestrings's Blog

I've totally become one of those hipster kids whose life revolves around their music blog and v-neck collection. When did this happen?! Haha, I have no idea.

Nonetheless, I've recently realized that I'm really starting to enjoy my own skin. I don't think that I'm cool or hip, or even pretty, but I am happy with me. I'm happy with the way I look, even if my cheeks get a little too flushed when I run. I'm happy with my values, with my tastes, with my interests. I'm happy with the sounds that spill from my stereo, I'm happy with the books that teeter haphazardly on my bookshelf. I'm just happy being me. I'm not trying to sound stuck up or full of myself, I'm just trying to convey that somewhere along the line this thing called self-esteem kind of caught up with me. Sure, sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes I hate my reflection. Sometimes I hate my personality. But more often than not, I don't. And that's a new thing. And that's a good thing.

Do I kinda look like a hipster? Yeah.

Do I kinda act like a hipster? Yeah.

Do I give a fuck? Nah.

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