Friday, May 13, 2011

Marriage Made In Hell: Deceived And Abandoned (True Story) | Viola's Artistic World of Poetry and Song Writing

Marriage Made In Hell:  Deceived And Abandoned

When we get married we say vows and we say that it's love, but is it really that??

Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.  Nevertheless, time will show what it is truly all about.

A couple gets married and have a lovely wedding.  Spend lots of money on renting a hall, wedding gown, invitations and food for the wedding, etc.  They go all out.

They live together for a while but gradually as time goes on something starts to change.  Well actually things may have not been what someone (the bride) thought they were from the beginning, only she could not see it/was not aware of it.

Something happens with the groom.  What is the real problem, no one knows for sure.  Suddenly he wants to go to a foreign country (where his family lives) and he wants to take his bride with him.  He says he wants to go there because it is easier living and there he can have a big house, etc. which he would not be able to afford living in USA.

Anyway, he informs his wife of what he wants to do and so she obviously goes along with it and packs up her things and decides to move away with him, but all shall not be peaches and cream.

One she gets into this other country things take a change for the worse.  She has herself locked in a room, crying.  The husband starts treating her differently, leaving her alone and/or with certain family members living in the house.  He starts going out and his family knows about this but say nothing.  The family tells her that he does not have to tell her where he is going, etc.

The wife starts to feel as though something is not right and he is lying about where he is going once they move there and his whereabouts at different times when she can't find him and/or he does not show up at home when he should.  She asked family members and/or other if they know where he is and they all tell her no.  They say nothing and give her no information.

She is neglected and mistreated.  She finds herself unhappy and suffering.  She had not been eating.

Her suffering goes on for some time.  She has no family/close friends in this country.  No one she can go to for help.  The only thing she can do is find a way to make it to the Embassy.  She does not drive and/or have any money.  Here she is in a foreign country with a husband who has neglected her as well as his family who won't tell her anything and/or help her.

She finds out that her husband went out with other women while she was there in this country, and also that he had not been going to work when he said he was, as well as not coming home from work at the time he normally would had he truly been working.

There is nothing left for her to do but to find help and find a way to get back home to USA.  Somehow she managed to make it to the Embassy/Consulate and informed them of her situation and the fact that she had no money.  It took a while but she finally managed to get help in getting back home, where she is and remains.

My advice was to never go to a foreign country with any man and his family without having someone (a friend/other) who is familiar with that country and/or who knows people living there and who you can contact and they can contact you and/or your family should anything happen to you, should you have any problems while there and or need help in getting out of that country for any reasons.

Not knowing anyone who lives there and/or having anyone you can contact in that country and/or back home who knows about that country is taking a big risk.  No matter where you go in this world and/or who you are with "think safety/security".

When you go with anyone into a foreign country you first surely need to know what kind of people you will be staying with "first and foremost".  If they do not truly care for you and/or really want you there, then don't go regardless of who it is with.  People like that most times mean you no good and they will not look out for you, regardless if you are there with your husband and/or other if they do not like you in the first place, should anything happen to you.

Now here is the thing.  The whole time this woman was in this country with this guy, he had another woman there who was either pregnant by him and/or had a kid from him already and he had planned to marry this girl????, while the woman he was already married to (from USA) was staying in a house with his family???

When I was told this story, I said that regardless of the fact this man was their family, I took their actions to be totally cruel and thoughtless.  How could you sit back knowing what is going on and see this woman, a woman who is supposed to be this man's wife, in your home day after day waiting for her husband to return (when most times he never did), see her suffering and crying, abandoned and not care what happens to her.  I said what is this would have been your daughter, a female in your family and another man would have done this to her, then how would you feel about that.  If you would not like that, then think about how this woman feels??  I told this woman that they are terrible, heartless people who would sit back and allow something like that to happen to her.  Regardless if he would have been my relative or not, I would not have had the heart to sit back and allow him to make a fool of this woman and abandon her (having another woman from that country and knowing about it) and not tell this woman (his wife at the time) the truth.  At least then you would have shown some decency.

I stated people like that, no one needs for friends, except for other people just like them.  Thoughtless, heartless and cruel.

She cried and struggled to get a way back home and finally she made it, where she is happy to be and won't make that mistake again.