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  • r0k
    Apr 11, 09:41 AM
    Not that this really matters much, but just for the record:

    I was one of the first to own the original iPhone and have an iPhone 4 now. I bought an iPhone 4 for my wife and an iPod Touch for my son. I got my mom an iPad and I'm about to buy one for myself. So I'm certainly not anti-Apple. I'm just not sure I see a clear advantage FOR ME to get a Mac computer over a Windows machine.

    But, who knows... maybe some day.

    We started with Windows and Linux. Windows was buggy, crashy and the opposite of trouble free while Linux "just works." I had a Palm smartphone and it worked equally well with Windows, Linux. Because I liked Linux, I decided to try OS X. I found that my Palm smartphone worked as well with OS X as it had worked with Linux. One thing I remembered through this process is that Windows phones would only work natively with Windows and I had already decided to put that OS in my rear view mirror.

    Then I got a Blackberry phone and had all kinds of sync problems. To be honest, I blame those sync problems on Apple and iSync but I knew that if I went to an iThing my sync problems would go away. Sure enough, I carried an iPod Touch and a Blackberry for about a year and my iPod Touch was always in sync but it was a knock down drag out fight to keep my BB in sync. I was relying on MobileMe to keep things in sync and the only down side is that it is a paid service versus google which is free.

    When it came time to replace my aging BB, I considered Android but settled on iPhone so I could bring all my apps and data over from my iPod Touch. Bottom line: I could have chosen to live with a multi platform environment but living in an all Apple environment has provided a flawless end to end user experience for me.

    If you like your iPhone and have a desire for an Apple computer, I can tell you the two play very well together. In fact, I can testify from experience that Apple is better at making any two Apple devices play well together than is Microsoft. Heck I remember the days when I was hosting lan parties that WinME, Win2K and WinXP couldn't see one another on a network because of incompatibilities in MS implementation of networking across the 3 OS. And these were similar devices.

    When I picked up my iPad, and later my iPhone 4, I had all my contacts and calendar on the devices before walking out of the Apple store. I was not only impressed. I was delighted and I remain delighted in the way my iThings work. I think you can get Mobile Me free on windows (buy purchasing a $99 annual subscription) but as I've never tried it, I don't know how well it works. I don't dislike Outlook but I do resent the fact that unlike and it is not included with the OS.

    BTW, while I've taken an "all Apple" approach, I don't think that's necessary but I do think it is better because of Apple's dedication to a quality end to end user experience.

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  • egsaxy
    Sep 12, 08:41 PM
    so a month ago, apple won't show us Tiger because they don't want anyone to copy what they're doing. Today they show us this set top box, that (atleast from the engaget comments) people think is pure rubbish, far behind everyone else's current products. Without reading the full 10 pages of commentary and not knowing if this has been brought up yet or not, but what if the prototype box, isn't anything like what they will give us in three months time? What if as someone mentioned on page one of these comments that its to pressure a studio into a contract? What if the living room box, ends up being far superior to what they showed us? what if it ends up having a dvd drive, and the tv tuner, and all of that other stuff that we want, and to be a truely amazing product we deserve. What if this box does look anything like the actual product? What if this box has totally different specs? What if we were shown this, and something else was going to be released? Apple is far too protective of its vision, strategy, and products that showing us this box doesn't add up. There will be an event about this box when its finally ready. The best place to hide is in the open. Not because you can't be seen, but because you can and its unexpected. Apple is doing a little magic trick for all of us, flashing this prototype iTv infront of us, and will deliever something far better when the time comes.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 24, 11:02 AM
    Come on, Lee, you just enjoy spending your time surrounded by young, fit redheads guys. :)

    Do you think they make him change in the closet? :)

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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 12, 05:40 PM
    I would be interested if it had PVR capabilities, a tuner, a hard disk, 2 firewire ports, and a CableCARD so I can get rid of the cable box. While it is nice as is it does not offer all it could.

    Then again some of you would love it.

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  • ATD
    Sep 26, 12:51 PM
    I bet I could peg all 8 cores doing a 3D render...easily.

    Bring them I say. This may make me hold off on my render farm idea.


    I'm already doing 6 cpu renders. Why stop at 8, I'll take 16 :D

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  • grubesteak
    Sep 26, 12:29 AM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips? I'm all for the advancement of new technology, but I'm not forking over any money just yet.

    Seems like there's a new "just around the corner" press release/rumor every other week.

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  • Simm0nS777
    Mar 18, 12:46 PM
    How the hell do you propose they implement an "Hey, it's cool if you tether with your unlimited, since you're just browsing forums" policy? Because, you know what? Not everyone tethering on unlimited is as cool as you.

    Maybe if they make everyone pinky swear on it?

    I just dont get why all you are acting like children about it. Who cares? what is your 3G download speed gonna go up by .00001?

    I see people who claim they have used like 80 gigs in a month. Do I care and cry that ATT should do something about it so they can "clear" up the network for me? No I dont give a crap. My speeds are great even with all that. ATT introducing tethering is MUCH worse than the select few who jailbreak and tether.

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  • MacFly123
    Oct 7, 01:12 PM
    All I have to say is EAT IT MICROSOFT! Windows Mobile SUCKS lol :D :p

    I love seeing the way things are going for Microsoft. It is like watching a giant passing out about to SLAM and hit the ground collapsed. Always too little too late! :rolleyes:

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 22, 11:17 PM
    Listen Bill Nye, I wasn't making a conclusive observation on the history of the earth, universe, or life forms. I was posing a question that most people (for the sake of simplicity, not illiteracy) relate to with a single word, "bang." If I need an expert opinion for my next astronomy class, I'll give you ring.

    The whole point is that it is not a single "bang." You're trying to conflate how most people view their god with how people conceptualize science. They simply aren't the same.

    It's easy to relate to a single term for everything when that one thing, according to your beliefs, is the answer to everything. It's nearly impossible to do that when the answers to your questions are varied and specific.

    Only the scientifically illiterate relate "bang" to "origin of life."

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  • munkery
    May 2, 05:30 PM
    so a very small percentage of the market will be using it (the better tech) then?

    if IE or FF don't do something similar then it won't really matter from a cybercrime point of view as 'no one' uses Safari and only the foolish use Chrome.

    sad really..

    I read somewhere that Chrome may drop it's own sandbox in favour of Webkit2 given that Chrome is based on Webkit.

    Webkit2 will sandbox plugins, rendering engine, and scripting engine (Javascript) from the UI frame and that sandbox will be the same regardless of the user account type running on the Mac, even root.

    IE sandboxes tab processes from each other and the UI frame but it does not sandbox the plugins, rendering engine, and scripting engine from the tab processes.

    Also, the Windows sandbox is turned off or lessened if the user turns off UAC or lessens UAC restrictions. This effect of UAC on Windows sandbox also affects Chrome on Windows given that Chrome uses that technology to achieve it's sandbox in Windows. So, do not disable or reduce UAC in Windows!

    You have to remember a browsers sandbox is based on the sandbox technology of the underlying OS. Windows sandbox is based on inherited permissions much like the older sandbox technology called Unix DAC that has always been implemented in the default user account in OS X. The newer sandbox in OS X, the TrustedBSD MAC framework, does not function via inherited permissions.

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  • blastvurt
    Apr 10, 11:42 AM
    Believe this all you want, when a company like Epic sings the praises of iOS you'd best pay attention. It's had great impact on Nintendo's mobile plans and it terrifies Microsoft (who are praying that Xbox Live on WP7 matters to enough people). When mobile gaming (i.e., on the iPad) is making such inroads into mainstream gaming, it's eventually going to have an effect on the way consumers view mainstream console gaming. In fact, this is guaranteed.

    Mobile gaming has been around for years in the form of handheld consoles. Hasn't really affected consoles that you plug into your TV/monitor.

    You're holding too fast to the separateness of mobile vs. console. Over the next few years you'll see that separateness blur, and probably faster than anyone would have thought. There will be a definite, palpable melding. It's inevitable.

    How is going to blur?

    The App Store opened in July 2008. Now look at what we have in April 2011. It's astounding. And we're already trying to get mobile devices to project games onto HD tvs. It's very, very telling. It doesn't matter how successful it is *right now.* (pretty impressive, actually.) The point is, you can see where we're going with it. When Apple says "move over, Xbox!" they aren't being glib or fulsome. It's a portent. Just a taste of what's to come.

    The psp slim & lite can output to a TV. Didn't really do much for PSP sales though. What use is it outputting a game from an ipad to the TV when you have limited control input options. The lack of buttons or real inputs will severely limit the types of games devices like the ipad can do.

    A lot of people around these boards have absolutely NO IDEA what Apple is capable of and what they're about to do to yet another industry. Just sit back and watch.

    I take it you do then :rolleyes:

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  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 09:30 AM
    Let me try to explain what I mean from a different angle:

    The number of PCs being sold could remain constant and still fall behind tablet sales in the future. Why? The market expands. Think about who could use a mainframe back in the day. Very few companies. Then minicomputers came along and suddenly many more companies could get one. The market expanded, and even if mainframe sales remained constant, minicomputer sales surpassed them.

    Tablets will appeal to those who never got comfortable with PCs. Or who never bothered getting one at all. I've personally seen toddlers and 80-year-olds gravitate toward the iPad naturally. It just fits them perfectly. There's none of that artificial abstraction of a keyboard or mouse between their fingers and the device, they just interact directly. It appeals to them.

    Someone who uses a PC almost exclusively for email and web surfing will find a tablet appealing to them.

    Programmers and professional writers used to keyboards will not find a tablet appealing to them. Not yet, at least.

    So when the market balloons yet again to take in the Tablet Era, PCs will continue to be sold, but the number of users in this new market will be larger than the market that existed in the PC Era. Many PC users will move to tablets, and many folks who never enjoyed (or even used) PCs will grab a tablet. It will be bigger than the PC market by 2020.

    And by the way, the price premium referred to earlier in this thread? That's unique to Macs versus PCs because Apple does not compete in the low-end of the market. But in the smart phone and tablet markets, there is NO price premium. One day people will forget that Apple ever made "high-priced" items since it simply won't be true compared with the competition.

    As for Apple never making headway, they are merely the most profitable computer company on the planet. Nice lack of headway if you can get it.

    Oh i completely understand what you mean, thanks for the further clarification.

    Lets not forget that we are dealing with a more "computer" savvy generation. Your examples of 80yr olds and infants is generally correct, but when those infants get to school, they will be using desktops(at school.) I think the barrier that existed with PC emergence in the late 80's is still prevalent today, not with the youger crowd anyway.

    I think it will get to the point where people will have multiple devices in their homes. Just like people have laptops, desktops, and tablets(like myself) They will each have a place, but I just dont think tablets will run desktops and laptops out of peoples homes and time in the next 10-15 years.

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  • bankshot
    Sep 28, 01:43 PM
    2nd Story: Pixar announces that it is increasing its movie release schedule from one movie every two years to a movie every two days :)

    Sure, because script writing, voice acting, scene generation, and character animation only take an hour or two per movie... :rolleyes: ;)

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  • beniscool
    Apr 19, 09:00 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    The dock

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 01:01 PM
    Come on, people, let's cut Greenpeace some slack, here. Their fanaticism only goes to certain lengths...the reason they protest Apple and other U.S. businesses is because if they actually protested in places where pollution was a major issue (like China), they'd all get shot. :)

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  • carfac
    Sep 12, 06:55 PM
    The iTV is a winner for these reasons:
    1) It does stream HD content -- Just because the iTunes content is NOT HD (it is near DVD) does not mean the DEVICE is not capable. In fact it uses the HDMI connector (as well as S and componet video) and the built in wireless AND gigabit ethernet insure the bandwidth is there for future HD content.

    OK, I will grant this- but the software is (NOT YET) HD. Suppose it will be, though. But the TIVO is also HD, so the point is mute

    2) The iTV defeats TIVO in NOT NEEDING a Hard Drive. The PC or MAC Desktop BECOMES the Media Server.

    And you see this as an advantage??? I do not have much HD space left, so I must buy ANOTHER box for that, too? No, I want it all in one. Point TIVO

    3) Tuners: Numerous Third Solutions (elgato for example) exist right now to capture High Def video to the Mac and PC -- the stream is pauseable.

    ANOTHER Flipping Box for me to add??? So I have iTV, a Mac, Another HD, and now this???? Vs. a TIVO box. Yeah, no brainer here! Tivo Point

    4) HD DVD -- With Blue Ray forthcoming, the Mac can still add DVD content to iTunes and then stream to iTV.

    Look at the box- no room for an optivcal drive. So, add one to my mac, or add another flipping box. On top of whick, do you REALLY think the studios are going to let something out that will easily go to a disk? No Point.

    5) Multiple Streams/Multiple TVs -- iTV beats Tivo in that you can use multiple iTV's connected to a powerful desktop to service multiple monitors using the Front Row Interface.

    You have never set up a Tivo, have you? No Point.

    6) The platform to expand: Apple's resources are superior to Tivo's and they will evolve beyond Tivo in the coming 2 years

    This is an arguement with no basis. Why, because you say so? Because you are an Apple Fan Boy, and apple can do no wrong?

    The thing is, I do not want 500 boxes in my living room, and 400 remotes to control all the different aspects of it. I want something all in one box, that works without me having to add something.

    This MAY be an option for techno-nerds and such, but it is by no means a Tivo Killer- it does not even compare.


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  • Salacion
    Apr 20, 06:57 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    No, it's not comparable to the iPhone.

    Interface: harsh colors, sharp geometrics, poor graphical enhancements, Windows-esque aesthetics.

    About that last one. There might be an Android app with identical functionality to an iPhone app, but it's how that functionality is presented to you that makes the difference. See, the App Store has quality control.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 22, 10:25 PM
    someone hasn't posted in that thread for 5 months ... why would people all of a sudden want to revive it ... today we have this one.

    Because it is the third longest example of drift on PRSI (for now) and since appleguy123 started that one, of course he wants it to continue.

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  • truz
    Jul 7, 06:14 PM
    And I will never set foot in an Apple store again. They are the definition of needless, bulls**t arrogance. If my Macbook Pro, either Macbook, iMac, iPad or any of the 5 iPhones I own ever need serviced, I'll call and ask them to send a box rather than deal with that mall trash again.

    I agree. I rather have a box sent out then step into a store. I'm 45 minutes away from an Apple Store and a boat load of traffic in the Orlando area.

    Apr 9, 03:14 PM
    Adjust their thinking? With all due respect, I hate this type of (fill in the blank).

    So then, if someone can use their Windows laptop on their lap -- while wearing shorts -- without a problem... then they try using a Mac laptop the same way but they burn their legs (or worse)... you would suggest that they just need to adjust their thinking?

    Since you can't change the heat characteristics of Mac portables, or the heat conductivity of aluminum enclosures.... yes! It's simple common sense. If it's too hot on bare legs, then common sense says, "don't put it on bare legs!" It's so simple, even a cave man could figure it out.

    Aug 29, 03:01 PM
    Don't get me wrong, it's good that companies are giving time scales, but they don't really mean jack until they're implemented (the UK committed to the Kyoto protocol and will miss it's commitments by miles)

    That's not true. The UK will miss the targets that Tony Blair committed [us] to. Blair's standards were almost double the standard Kyoto targets. We'll miss the Blair targets (surprise surprise) but we should hit the Kyoto targets. See here (

    Of course, much of Kyoto is rendered moot because the US refuses to ratify the treaty because "it will harm the economy." :rolleyes:

    Oct 21, 10:33 PM
    Anyone know anything about these suppliers, other than Crucial Technology?

    Several co-workers of mine have used 18004memory and Datamem and rave about how good they are. Pretty low prices compared to other places and they seem to be fairly reliable.

    I bought a 1GB stick from 18004memory for my MacBook Pro but it makes it reboot once every few days or so (once I take it out, it'll go weeks without randomly rebooting). I need to RMA it, but I think it was just bad luck on my part.

    Mar 24, 07:34 PM
    As cool as that poster might be, I doubt that he has the political or monetary muscle that the Catholic Church does.

    That doesn't take away from how utterly hypocritical that train of thought is.

    Sep 12, 06:29 PM
    Isn't it was everyone was expecting? Looks like an Airport Express in a different form factor to accomodate all of the different ports. Basically gives you the ability to stream your videos from your computer.