Sunday, May 15, 2011

lembran�a dia das m�es em eva

lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. Since I#39;m neither a criminal
  • Since I#39;m neither a criminal

  • MattyMac
    Sep 15, 06:38 PM
    not too bad...wish it was alot sooner, but I guess I'll have to wait:(

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. But I#39;m not holding my breath.
  • But I#39;m not holding my breath.

  • OdduWon
    Sep 13, 09:34 PM
    this is definitely a style over da heck do you dial a number with clickwheel?

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. As I#39;m sure many of you
  • As I#39;m sure many of you

  • munkery
    Mar 19, 04:35 PM
    A few examples: Look up Leap-A and Inqtana-A on OSX (very real OSX worms), MusMinim-A (recent trojan).

    Leap-a required authentication to infect and spread via iChat given that iChat is owned by System but is only run with user privileges. It did NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation.

    Inqtana-a was a proof of concept that could only modify the user level of the system because didn't achieve privilege escalation via exploitation. Malware can NOT install rootkits or keyloggers that can hook into apps owned by System (such as Safari, Mail, & etc) with only user level access.

    MusMinim-a is also a beta proof of concept based of a legitimate piece of software ported from Windows ( It requires authentication to install given that it does NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation. (List of Malware threats on Linux; why not pretend they don't even exist?)

    You do realize most of those are proof-of-concepts generated through research. Most were never present in the wild and did NOT achieve privilege escalation via exploitation. Two that were in the wild are Bliss (1997 - ineffective as did not include privilege escalation) and Stoag (1996).

    It sounds good at first except for one giant pothole of a flaw. I mean why do things that are difficult to trace when you can just set up a sign on a server somewhere that says "Here's my bank account! Come and arrest me!" (i.e. the money is being redirected...follow the money trail!) :rolleyes:

    You do realize that the redirection of ad revenue is one of the primary means of profit generation of what has been referred to as the most advanced Windows rootkit. BTW, some variants achieve privilege escalation via exploitation (see the second link).

    Trojans are particularly a problem since a lot of programs ask for root password permission to be installed (including Apple software).

    Untrue. Mac apps rarely ask for authentication to install if you install the app in the appropriate folder for the user account type.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. Wow, I#39;m really impressed by
  • Wow, I#39;m really impressed by

  • Donz0r
    Sep 13, 09:45 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I think that they were supposed to announce this in one of the "one more things" on the 12th and something happened at the last minute. Two items lead me to this conclusion.

    1. They never used a satellite link of the keynote to London(think Vodafone), which they mentioned before the keynote. Maybe it was just so London could watch. But then why not the folks at the Apple Expo in Paris.

    2. Is it just me, or did the "pre-announcement" of a product that has an "internal" name of iTV, which may or may not be the products real name, strike anyone else as very un-Apple like.

    You raise good points, but yesterday the big announcement was iTunes Movies. many people would be skeptical about downloading movies just a few bucks cheaper tahn you can Buy the dvd. So apple HAD to show that you could watch the downloaded movies on your TV somehow. Steve presented it correctly, the iTV was the missing link that made downloading movies via iTunes plausable.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I guess I#39;m still just
  • I guess I#39;m still just

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 01:50 PM
    Enough with the chicken little episodes already.

    Apparently, this is related to AT&T only and it is not based on GPS location services but rather a database of cell towers. It contains no identifiable information and is sent to AT&T for analysis for signal strength statistics.

    Since it does not contain personal information and is being used to analyze the state of the AT&T network, I don't see a problem here. People who are not inside of the US are not affected by this.

    If you think that this is a privacy concern then you need to have your head examined. It is anonymous statistical information and nothing more.

    It is possible that this information was being collected for an AT&T app that you could download a while back and the OS is still collecting it in the background regardless of whether you have the app installed. Am I crazy or is there an AT&T app that consumes this data on the app store?

    Would you mind telling us the source of this knowledge? While I have read that this happens only on GSM devices, I know from my device that it had data from all over the world. But most interesting would be where you found the information that that files gets shared with AT&T.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. So I#39;m looking into a new iMac
  • So I#39;m looking into a new iMac

  • Stella
    Sep 5, 06:01 AM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

    Large Yawn.

    You do realise your not funny at all - rather - very irritating.

    Can't you be original?

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m obsessed with color
  • I#39;m obsessed with color

  • luminosity
    Sep 1, 11:37 AM
    wow. would that be the biggest mainstream desktop around?

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. Now, I#39;m about to start a
  • Now, I#39;m about to start a

  • Stella
    Mar 30, 12:56 PM
    Scotch tape.

    In the UK its sellotape ( got the spelling correct ) to refer to sticky tape.

    "Don't sellotape the paper to the wall, the paint will come off!"

    Scotch tape is a brand name of sticky tape, as is sellotape.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m personally of the opinion
  • I#39;m personally of the opinion

  • Mydriasis
    Sep 14, 10:15 AM
    So please explain one thing, why is the special event two days before the shows starts? (Apple Special Event on the 24th, Photokina start on the 26th)

    Who goes to these special events? The press? There won't be any 'normal' visitors there yet, only other companies preparing for the event? Why send someone from the press two days in advance?

    Are they just using Photokina to reduce the hassel of organising a big media event themselves?

    I have no clue, I never attended or organized such an event!

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m still reeling from
  • I#39;m still reeling from

  • rdowns
    Sep 5, 03:56 PM
    Since my 3G 15GB iPos is about full, I want a new iPod.

    Any my stock account loves the movement - AAPL closed up $3.10 today.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. Well, I#39;m gonna say definitely
  • Well, I#39;m gonna say definitely

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 12:34 PM
    android enthusiast here.

    i don't see what the big deal is. so what if Apple is storing your location data.

    everyone here is on facebook, exposing their real names, friends, user uploaded photos that are under the control of facebook under the new TOS agreement, where they live, phone numbers, what they like, what they dislike, their status updates, etc.

    so please, everyone be quiet about this 'omg my civil liberties are being trampled on!'

    the moment you go on the internet, privacy goes right out the window.

    and btw, google stores location data allll the time. lol, more like

    I'm not on Facebook.

    And for a lot of things I can chose to opt-out, or even better, I get to opt-in.

    This is stored without me knowing, the data is stored unencrypted, and for most owners, the data will end up on their computers unencrypted.

    Apple, Google, or my phone provider storing this information in their servers is a different issue than it being stored on the phone.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. Colombia es un país
  • Colombia es un país

  • KPOM
    Apr 22, 02:18 PM
    Been waiting to get one for a while now. :o

    I do hope that the backlit keyboard comes to the 11.5 inch.:rolleyes:

    Bummed about Intel's graphics. I was hoping in some kind of settlement. :(

    There was a settlement. Intel gave NVIDIA $1.5 billion to go away. Unfortunately, that means Intel integrated graphics for the foreseeable future.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m no processor geek.
  • I#39;m no processor geek.

  • PlaceofDis
    Oct 12, 06:57 PM
    im so tired about apple having partnerships with groups i dont like. to each his own but why does U2 have to keep pushing their own ipod, i thought the last one sucked. give me a band i actually like

    except this isn't about a band. its about a charity.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m suing mac rumors too,
  • I#39;m suing mac rumors too,

  • LaMerVipere
    Sep 12, 05:00 PM
    Okay, so it appears that owners of 5th generation iPods (before the latest release) who update their iPod software to version 1.2 get a few cool features that come pre-loaded out of the box on the latest 5th generation iPods, but not all.

    We get:

    • Gapless playback

    • Ability to adjust backlight brightness (I'm particularly excited about this, I've been wanting it for ages, I bet it increases battery battery life immensely with the brightness turned way down)

    • When rapidly scrolling through ARTISTS we get overlayed alphabet letters which correspond to where we are on our list

    • Ability to play games bought from iTunes

    We don't get:

    • New search function

    ** Video playback details yet to be determined

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m asking because I#39;m bored
  • I#39;m asking because I#39;m bored

    Mar 23, 05:46 PM
    I can't comprehend the leap in logic in this line of thinking. The app is on the phone. Using an app is not dangerous. What is dangerous here are people who drink and then proceed to get behind the wheel.

    The problem is the drinking not the an app on a phone. If you want to stop drunk driving address the drinking of alcohol.

    What next? lets get rid of computer email software because someone can email you where the speed trap is or how about getting rid of web browsers because they are used to display similar content on the web? Ridiculous.

    I wish people would just think about the implications of allowing such non-sense from being implemented into law.

    If any of you had ever lost someone or had someone that you loved seriously injured by a drunk driver - you'd want this app pulled.

    0 good can come from drunk driving. I don't know anyone (intelligent person) who would say otherwise. Constitutional or not, who in the world would want to encourage a drunk person to get behind the wheel? ..which is exactly what these apps do. I'm sure that there's a percentage of drunk drivers who have ventured out on the roads only because they had the convenience of these apps - when otherwise, they would have gotten a ride or sobered up first.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m not the one leveling
  • I#39;m not the one leveling

  • rajid
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    show me the law that says it'l illegal to notify other drivers of a cop checking speeds, or to notify the position of a DUI check point.

    Maybe it's not illegal everywhere. I was always taught that it was illegal, for example, to flash your lights to oncoming traffic in order to warn of a speed trap. I grew up in North Carolina. Maybe it's only illegal there.

    As for notifying of the position of a DUI check, maybe it's not illegal, but perhaps it should be? If it's not illegal, then these programs are doing wrong, so why pull them?

    I simply maintain that pulling the programs will simply mean that people will share the information via some other method, and I even made a prediction of the method they will use. It would actually surprise me if it's not already in use that way.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m just really not into what
  • I#39;m just really not into what

  • roland.g
    Aug 28, 02:40 PM
    Unfortunately, cats are known liars.

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m trying to decide whether
  • I#39;m trying to decide whether

  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:51 AM
    Windows is as easy to use as SL. I'd say in terms of functionality Windows beats SL hands down. But most Apple fans idea of functionality in Windows is complexity and they prefer the dumbed down Mac operating system.

    When I start using Mac OS X 2 years ago, it took me two solid months to get used to its ways. I can tell you, when I started out, I would not have described Apple's operating system as easy to use. Now I'm competent using two operating systems, and can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both. Neither are very difficult to use if you apply yourself to learning, but you have to put in the time to take full advantage of either one of them.

    Well put :)

    lembran�a dia das m�es em eva. I#39;m just really not into what
  • I#39;m just really not into what

  • Peace
    Sep 5, 11:40 AM
    No one else has yet mentioned that the Airport Extreme is currently reflecting a 1-3 week shipping period (, while the Airport Express ( still says it will ship within 24 hours on the Apple Store Online. It would seem that it is the Extreme and not the Express to be getting the update.

    The reason for the 1-3 week delay in the Extreme Base Station is due to the new European regulations on certain chemicals going into effect.

    Apr 20, 11:03 AM
    All I've seen is one paragraph claiming that. Until someone shows data from when location services was turned off it's hard to run with it.

    Applogist? Jesus, that's such a sad bastardization of words. I'm trying to apply reasoning to this and have people understand that they've likely agreed to something because they don't read the ToS or SLA.

    You are an ApPologist. Take it and go. :D

    Leave the trolls alone, please. :D

    May 1, 12:54 AM
    Call me clumsy or whatever, but I hate the 'corners': I accidentally trigger them all the time on a frien's machine. Mostly because I use the Apple menu a lot. I DO miss the old mouse's side buttons/center button!

    Experienced mac users know to assign modifier keys to those corners to prevent that. I have the top left corner set to turn my display off (good for porn), but only when the command key is pressed.

    Aug 23, 05:36 PM
    *wishes he'd bought Creative stock this morning*

    Nov 13, 06:13 PM
    Why does Apple think it's okay to continually alienate and turn away developers?? :confused: Why do fanboys continue to excuse such incidences? Why aren't people SICK of this kind of behavior from Apple? :mad:

    I guess I would turn that around to you and ask why are people making such a huge deal out of a handful of incidents in a pool of 100K+ apps? It's bound to happen, especially considering that this is a whole new approach to delivering apps to a device and there are bound to be misunderstandings and missteps along the way.

    Obviously, I think this is a ridiculous situation and I hope someone higher-up at Apple gets involved and smoothes this over and ensures it doesn't happen again. However, attitudes like yours are basically advocating throwing the baby out with the bath-water.

    Mar 23, 06:42 PM
    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    Nope it's not illegal. The law enforcement is required to announce them, plus many radio show hosts announce them as well.

    but I definitely agree with other posts, that if a guy is too drunk to drive, he's probably to drunk to use his phone and look for DUI checkpoints anyway. It's probably for people that are not super drunk, but are maybe 0.09% instead of 0.08%. ;)

    Overzealous democrats and republicans on both side need to suck it.:mad: