Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Zayed Got In A Spat With DJ Ryan

Zayed gets in a spat with DJ Ryan at bro-in-law`s clubZayed Khan squabbles with disc jockey at bro-in-law's club

A few nights ago, Zayed Khan got into a verbal spat with DJ Ryan Beck. The two were partying at a Worli nightspot owned by DJ Aqueel Ali, Zayed's brother-in law.

An eyewitness recounts how it went down: "ZK walked in post midnight with a bunch of guy friends.

Ryan was there with his friends. A few drinks down, the actor and the disc jockey began chatting. In a short while, they were seen arguing when Beck made an unflattering remark on Zayed's career.

Name-calling followed and there would have been a scuffle right then and there had Aqueel not come and sorted the two out."


Notes the onlooker, "Had happened a few years ago Zayed, who used to be famously short-tempered would have used his fists do the talking.

Says ZK, "I don't do that anymore. I have mellowed down now. Ryan is a dear friend. We had a small argument but we sorted it out."

Ryan admits to the argument, but adds, "It was a friendly argument." What led to it? "That I will leave between us, " he replies, denying that he ridiculed the actor in any way.
